Gina T Colorio prefers to be called Pastor T since T is for her middle name, Teresa,
T is for the CROSS, and T is for Jesus’ last words, τετέλεσται… it is finished!
Gina is a native of Worcester, Massachusetts, born to a Calabrese father and an Albanian mother. She has had a classical education- Notre Dame Academy and Assumption College [both Catholic], and a master’s degree from Yale University.
Gina is also the recipient of a Merrill Fellowship from Harvard University.
Gina was ordained by a little congregation in Auburn, MA. She is a mystic at heart who likes to meditate on who Jesus is: grace focused! and the impact of forgiveness on healing, health and peace! This is the Good News Gina shares!
Gina is married to David Purdy and together they have 10 children [7 adopted, three by birth] and three grandchildren. Gina considers herself a teacher at heart and believes that the “keenest revelation into the soul of any society is manifested in the manner in which they treat their children” [Nelson Mandela].
Gina has worked extensively with children and youth, families affected by HIV/AIDS, and in parish ministry. Gina founded TetelestaiMinistries which encompasses preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ; choc🍒 cookies [whose profit benefits the ministry]; and SacredSentenceS [embodied, guided writing to quicken other writers’ own voices]. Gina volunteers at Gateways Academy as guidance counselor, and teacher of writing, history and critical thinking.
Gina is a basketball coach and referee, rows competitively in a coed eight sweep boat, roasts her own coffee beans, rides horses, loves animals and the outdoors, all things ‘alternative’ health, and elephant lore. Gina is part of the ‘late deaf/hard of hearing’ community and looks forward to being matched with a hearing dog in the near future.