Our congregation is once again providing Christmas presents to the children and adults currently
residing in the In Hour of Need (IHN) family shelter in Worcester. There are two ways you can help with
the Secret Santa gift program.
1. A tree is up in Fellowship Hall with tags with children’s names and ages or adults’ names on the front
and a wish list on the back. Please take one of the tags and write your name and telephone number
next to the name on the sign-up sheet. Then you purchase TWO presents from the wish list, totaling as
close to $50 as possible. We have numerous families and we want the presents to be equitable in
number and value as much as possible. No need to wrap the presents. Just put the presents in a bag,
with the person’s tag attached and bring to church by December 15 th . Check off on the sign-up sheet
that the present has been provided.
2. Donate financially by sending a check made out to the church with IHN Secret Santa noted on it. A
name will be chosen and the shopping done for you. Please see whomever is overseeing the sign ups
during coffee hour or call Annette (508-662-7473) to let her know you chose this option.
The presents will be delivered to the IHN residence for the families to open on Christmas morning.
Please keep a look-out for the tree and help share God’s love and celebrate Jesus’ birth with others.
Contact Annette Markel with any questions, 508-662-7473.
Contact Annette Markel with any questions, 508-662-7473. Thank you!